Dahlia looked at the contract the dwarf accountant and written up for the mercenary group. The pay would be divided into shares, 1 share each per member of the party, 1 share for company expenses (fair), and 1 share to be awarded to the most outstanding of the job. There were also stipulations as to what would be to happen to the share if something unforseeable had happened to member signing the contract, such as death. She had to figure out what was to happen to her body and her funds should she die.
Dahlia signed then put her pen to the parchment before her:
I Dahlia Vrir of the house of Vrir of Ios, ask that if I should die that my body be returned to Ios or that a member of the Vrir family be notified to come collect my body and belongings. I will warn you now, the Vrir family is not the easiest to contact, but I have faith you will find a member.
If I should die, I ask that my funds go to my elder sister and that my leather bound notebook that I have spent many evenings writing in, be returned to the house of Vrir so that it's contents may help the house. I ask that you do not read the contents of the notebook. If it is easiest, the notebook can be sent to my sister, she will know what to do with it.
Currently my sister is located in eastern Llael. if for some reason you have to travel to deliver my body, I have included a secondary envelope. This is to be delivered to the Vrir that you have met with the seal unbroken.
Dahlia set the letter aside and wrote the secondary letter, asking for the safety of those who deliver her body if they had not been the ones to deliver the killing blow. She noted that a notebook should be in their possession and it is imperative that this notebook be asked for as it will help the Retribution's work.
When she finished penning the secondary letter she put it in a smaller envelope and sealed with with wax and the symbol for Scyrah pressed into the wax.
She slipped the envelope into the larger envelop with the response to the secondary clause of the contract. She sighed signing the contract and delivering it to the dwarf accountant. With that out of the way, the real work could begin.
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