Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Everybody knows that I am super organized. I even go as far as to organize my game boxes if I play them often enough. I still live with my parents and that means I have to share a bathroom for my younger sister, so I only get a drawer to myself and it constantly is getting stuff shoved into it. When I was looking for my tweezers today, I finally got fed up with it. This is the before:

Ick, right? So I pulled everything out and decided to measure the drawer and make an organizer. I pilfered the recycling and pulled out a couple cereal boxes, a pie box, and a few misc. boxes. I sat down and measured each of the boxes and how they were going to fit best into the drawer.

When I got them cut, taped back so they had square bottoms and stationed them where I wanted them to go. I put pretty paper in the interior of the boxes so that it looked nice, paper clipped the boxes together, taped over the paperclips and edges so they were sure to stay together and I ended up with this:

I have a place for my bobby pins (which I use frequently), hair ties, lipstick/eyeliner, teeth stuff, eye shadow, and the rest of the drawer was for things that I knew wouldn't fit in the nice little boxes like my foundation, hairbrushes, and deodorant. Overall I'm pretty happy with how this turned out. Should I have taken the time away from homework to do this? Probably not, but I was able to concentrate on my homework again after this was done.

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